Sunset School Home

Each Student Thrives
Shelly McKnight

Message from the Principal

Hello Sunset Families!
We are more than half-way through the school year already with 61 days left for instruction. Our teachers are working hard to improve learning outcomes for our students with English Language Arts instruction for a minimum of 90 minutes each day and Math instruction for 75 minutes each day in addition to 60 minutes a week of SuccessMaker. Science, Social Studies and PE in addition to math, reading and writing makes for a very full day of learning for our students. As we have looked at our data from the beginning of the year and mid-year, we are seeing a lot of growth from our students which will be shared in detail with you at Spring Conferences on April 23rd and 24th. Teachers will be reaching out to schedule conferences with families after Spring Break.
We will be celebrating our teachers May 5-9. If you would like to thank a teacher, Teacher Appreciation Week would be a wonderful time to do it!
Spring Break is coming up March 24-28. 
Please join us for Family Science and Literacy Night is coming up on April 17th from 5:30-7:30pm. Dinner will be served.
For our 6th graders, Outdoor School will be May13-May15. If you have a 6th grader and would like to chaperone the trip, please let your child's homeroom teacher know.
Thank you for all you do to support your children and Sunset School. We have spent the year focused on student attendance. It is so important that our students are here every day. Thank you for doing all you can to support our efforts.
Shelly McKnight, Principal

Recent News

Community Engagement Meeting

Coos Bay School District and the City of Coos Bay will partner to host a community engagement meeting focused on community/school emergency plans and educational goals.

Attendance Matters!

Missing a day of school here and there may not seem like much, but absences add up!
